Last Tuesday morning, Ginger and Clark picked us up at Nelson's Resort on Crane Lake and took us by boat across the US/Canadian border to the island on David Lake to meet up with Kara and Ginna. We spent the next three days swimming, boating, fishing, and exploring the nearby lakes, islands and portages. Thank you to Ginger, Clark, Ginna, and Kara for allowing us to experience such a lovely three days. I hope that we will be invited to visit again.
On Friday morning, we all took the boat back to Nelson's and said our goodbyes, and we were off on our next journey to Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota. Our drive took us through scenic northern Minnesota before stopping in Fargo, ND for a night's sleep at Motel 6. Fargo however, will always be remembered as the place were Paul ate at his first Hooters. We even have the receipt as evidence.
Theodore Roosevelt National Park was named after our 26th President in honor of contribution to the development of our park system. The area of the park we visited was the southern unit of the North Dakota Badlands. They are located near this cheesy cowboy town called Medora. I do not recommend visiting Medora, however the park was beautiful! While exploring the park we got see the amazing buttes (not pronounced butts, Mom) and grassland, not to mention the numerous bison, wild horses, prairie dogs, a white tail deer, and Paul and Chica had a close encounter with a prairie rattlesnake. This morning while Paul was brushing his teeth, a buffalo walked right through the camp site. He was just going for a stroll looking for somewhere to get cool.
After the buffalo encounter, we jumped in the car and hit the road for a grueling yet beautiful drive across eastern and central Montana. This is also where we experienced our first car problem... one of our rear tires blew out. However, we were lucky because we just so happened to be about a mile from the only town for miles, Circle, Montana. Here a nice man at a Sinclair gas station replaced our tire, checked our fluids, and sent us on our way.
Tomorrow we'll head to Glacier National Park for a few days to cap off our journey before heading down to our new home in Missoula. It is a little weird to think of that right about now. For the past 27 years I have always lived in Virginia, so saying Montana will take some getting use to. It was only recently did I realize I have a new answer to this question.
Finally, we'd like to wish Paul's Uncle Randy a speedy recovery. We know this has been a very trying time for his family and loved ones. He is in our thoughts and we wish him all the best.
Here are some photos from the past week:
love the pics